How Do I Play?

1 - Solve Seequence by moving numbers up and down to create unique horizontal patterns!

1 - Solve Seequence by moving numbers up and down to create unique horizontal patterns!

2 - By clicking on the “2” and then the “6” in the second column, the 2 has switched places to move up next to the 1 in the top row — and starts the pattern 1-2-3-4.

2 - By clicking on the “2” and then the “6” in the second column, the 2 has switched places to move up next to the 1 in the top row — and starts the pattern 1-2-3-4.

3 - The first pattern is now complete! Now it’s time to solve the others:

3 - The first pattern is now complete! Now it’s time to solve the others:

4 - Another line below is complete. Remember, when the line turns green, you’ve solved the pattern!

4 - Another line below is complete. Remember, when the line turns green, you’ve solved the pattern!

5 - Remember each line is its own unique pattern. Once each line is complete, you’ve won the game!

5 - Remember each line is its own unique pattern. Once each line is complete, you’ve won the game!