
This example generates a determinate schedule where each contestant meets each other twice, once home and once away.

Sample Master Schedule

Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

Round 4

Round 5

Round 6

Round 7

Round 8

Round 9

Round 10

Sample Team Schedules

The 1st

  1. @2 Good
  2. @5thTeam
  3. We 3
  4. 4ward
  5. @*BYE*
  6. 2 Good
  7. 5thTeam
  8. @We 3
  9. @4ward
  10. *BYE*

2 Good

  1. The 1st
  2. @4ward
  3. 5thTeam
  4. @*BYE*
  5. We 3
  6. @The 1st
  7. 4ward
  8. @5thTeam
  9. *BYE*
  10. @We 3

We 3

  1. 4ward
  2. @*BYE*
  3. @The 1st
  4. 5thTeam
  5. @2 Good
  6. @4ward
  7. *BYE*
  8. The 1st
  9. @5thTeam
  10. 2 Good


  1. @We 3
  2. 2 Good
  3. *BYE*
  4. @The 1st
  5. @5thTeam
  6. We 3
  7. @2 Good
  8. @*BYE*
  9. The 1st
  10. 5thTeam


  1. @*BYE*
  2. The 1st
  3. @2 Good
  4. @We 3
  5. 4ward
  6. *BYE*
  7. @The 1st
  8. 2 Good
  9. We 3
  10. @4ward